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2024 (1)
Siobhan Byron

Siobhan Byron

EVP, Universal Banking at Finastra
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Bio Siobhan oversees Finastras Universal Banking business, including market leading core banking and digital solutions globally. She is passionate about innovating to drive growth and unlock new revenue opportunities. A highly regarded technology executive and transformative leader, Siobhan champions Finastras open culture and is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion. She is the Executive Sponsor for the companys LGBTQ plus and Friends initiatives, as well as supporting the Women at Finastra group. Career History She has deep technology industry expertise, and more than 25 years of experience in IT and channel management, as well as leading and growing prominent technology companies across a range of sectors such as financial services, insurance, manufacturing, and public sector.



Unlocking inorganic growth in the U.S. community banking landscape

25 Jan 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of community banking and credit unions in the United States, the theme of inorganic growth has become more than a trend; it is a pivotal force that can shape the future of financial institutions. Inorganic growth, in the form of acquisitions and strategic partnerships, presents a golden opportunity for community banks...