Overland Park
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2024 (1)
Brandon Spear

Brandon Spear

CEO at TreviPay
Posts: 1 Comments: 0
Bio Brandon leads TreviPay with expertise in managing large, diverse global teams. His strength is discerning and focusing on the most important challenges facing an organization at a particular point in time and unifying all stakeholders behind accomplishing a set of specific goals. Brandon has a unique ability to connect across all levels of an organization, motivate staff with diverse skill sets, while ensuring a common alignment and results.



3 Retail Tech Trends for Better Serving Business Buyers in 2024

05 Feb 2024

In the retail industry, B2B usually takes a backseat to consumer-focused strategies, and the corporate buyer is often undervalued and misunderstood. Forward-looking merchants, particularly in segments like consumer electronics and home improvement, should check-in on how their corporate buyers are doing. Since these buyers do not often share feedb...