Blogs: 188 | Newest: 25 Jan
A community for discussing technology trends, views and perspective in global transaction banking
Blogs: 83 | Newest: 25 Jan
We'll use this to announce new features and let you know if there is any maintenance in the pipeline. Feel free to post questions/tips/requests here.
Blogs: 225 | Newest: 24 Jan
Digital Banking trends and Industry Intelligence for Bankers, Fintechs, and Solutions Providers
Blogs: 62 | Newest: 24 Jan
Regulatory technology, is a new technology that uses information technology to enhance regulatory processes. With its main application in the Financial sector, it is expanding into any regulated business with a particular appeal for the Consumer Goods Industry. Often regarded as a subcategory under...
Blogs: 46 | Newest: 19 Jan
Biometrics are the new weapons of war against online fraud and supporting financial services with biometric authentication and their KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures.
There are many different areas where biometrics are being deployed. For example in digital identity; an alternative to user n...
Blogs: 59 | Newest: 19 Jan
Discuss business-related to fintech and/or how financial services can business owners.
Blogs: 117 | Newest: 18 Jan
Front Office Trading Trends and Technologies...
Blogs: 61 | Newest: 17 Jan
A group about everything related to embedded finance.
Blogs: 13 | Newest: 17 Jan
Discuss Climate Fintech related news, trends, challenges... Help the community gain better understanding of this new evolving field.
Blogs: 13 | Newest: 11 Jan
This group is for thought leadership on important issues affecting global capital markets and Technologies
Blogs: 15 | Newest: 10 Jan
Discussions of alternative investment strategies and assets and news of new developments in the alternative investment space.
Blogs: 2 | Newest: 08 Jan
Group for API Practitioners from both Banking and Fintech companies to share their knowledge and insights, not just REST but also SOAP, GraphSQL, or gRPC as well