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2024 (1) 2023 (1)
Tim Loo

Tim Loo

Executive Director of Strategy at Foolproof
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Financial Transformation

Financial middle management: the next major fintech opportunity for financial services innovators?

19 h

A significant shift is occurring in the demographic landscape, presenting unique challenges and opening new avenues for innovation, particularly in financial services. This demographic transformation is not just a trend, but a catalyst for rethinking and reshaping financial products and services. As we have seen with increasing life expectancies a...

Customer Service 2015-2019-2025

Consumer Duty: an opportunity for innovation

11 Jul 2023

Today’s economic backdrop is tough. Major events such as the Covid pandemic and ongoing war in Ukraine have fuelled an inflationary environment that has many people and businesses facing a cost-of-living crisis. Indeed, according to PwC, some 8.9 million people experience ‘financial fragility’. In addition, one in two are under-served by financia...